Observation on Teacher

Observation on Teacher
Based on the observation in the classroom and in the laboratory, of the General Chemistry 1, I observed 6 classes in FEU High School because my Cooperating Teacher handled the six classes that is in STEM 1, STEM 2, STEM 3, STEM 4, STEM 5, and STEM 6 the results are as follows:
1.      Planning for teaching
Before teaching and learning process conducted, the teacher should make a planning that’s about what to teach  in the classroom, what would be the material that will be bring in front of the class. And what would become the strategy of the teacher on delivering their lesson. By planning for teaching, teacher also can know whether the learning objectives are achieved or not at the end of the learning process? Planning for teaching is something that prepared before the teacher enter in the classroom. Usually some of teacher use a lesson plan to conclude their planning for teaching. The teacher in this school doesn’t have a lesson plan, but they prepare a module and also presentation before entering the classroom. The module are arranged based on the Project Map of this school.
2.      Preparing lessons and materials
The lesson and materials should be prepared before entering the classroom. Before the teacher start the lesson, he prepared all the materials and lessons to teach in the classroom. The lesson or instructional material which delivered in the class is by the module and also the presentation, for the laboratory experiment also the teacher still preparing the lessons to be given to the student before started the experiment, to avoid the error that maybe come in the learning process. Start by giving the short materials to students about the lessons or the materials which is related with their experiment as the introduction for the lesson, and the instruction  to the student about the materials and tools that is used along the experiments. In the classroom learning process which is the lessons and materials were prepared before teacher enter the classroom.
3.      Teaching in class
In the classroom the teacher taught the student by using the materials in module and also in the presentation. The learning process occur by using the presentation which is prepared by the teacher. In the classroom the teacher always give the guidance to every student in learning process. In the laboratory experiment also the teacher always give the instruction to the student. So that teacher can manage the classroom properly along the learning process conduct. The learning method that teacher use in the classroom are Lecture method, Experiment method, and also Question and Answer Method.
4.      Measurement and evaluation
The evaluation and the measurement that the teachers do in the learning process during the learning process conducted are the teacher start to evaluate every student along the learning process, and for the last evaluation the teacher conducted the unit test or a quizzes and also mid test or final test to measured the achievement that the student get at the end of the learning process.
5.      Others
Along my observation there are some results that I get during the learning process for example for the time management, the teacher always remind the student to manage their time when the student are given some exercise. In order that the class will start and end at the proper time. So does when the laboratory conduct, student always reminded by teacher in order that the experiment will finished at the proper time
Observation in the classroom 

Observation in the Laboratory


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